Sweet Sounds


Kindl Chewning, Sadie Framness and Ruriko Ebara, from left, take a break during a rehearsal of Tim Ryan Rouillier’s “Play Me Montana.”
Kindl Chewning, Sadie Framness and Ruriko Ebara, from left, take a break during a rehearsal of Tim Ryan Rouillier’s “Play Me Montana.”

Kindl Chewning, Sadie Framness and Ruriko Ebara, from left, take a break during a rehearsal of Tim Ryan Rouillier’s “Play Me Montana,” a musical performed in June at the Dennison Theatre.

Chewning and Ebara, UM Entertainment Management students, were assistant stage managers, and Framness, a theatre and dance major, was the stage manager.

“We had more than 100 people on stage, including the Missoula Symphony, and more than half that number had a connection to UM,” says UMEM Director Mike Morelli.

Rouillier says the show was a huge success.

“None of this would have been possible though without the assistance of Mike Morelli and his incredible students,” he says. “Together, they covered all aspects of the staging and production and went beyond all expectations with their knowledge and work ethic. I was not only grateful and impressed, but also proud. They are the reason why UMEM is stronger than ever and in great shape for the years to come.”

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