A River Runs By It

New Missoula College Building opens doors to students


The Missoula College Building is seen from the Clark Fork River’s edge looking east.
A meeting room on the second floor is put to use.
The Blackfoot Café is one of the teaching labs used by the Culinary Arts program.
Health professions students have ample lab space to learn.


Categories: Alumni , Campus , Academic , History , Research

Photos by: Todd Goodrich

The Missoula College Building is seen from the Clark Fork River’s edge looking east.
The Missoula College Building is seen from the Clark Fork River’s edge looking east.

Years of hard work, determination and cooperation came to fruition this past summer as the brand-new Missoula College building opened its doors.

“It’s dignified,” says Missoula College Dean Shannon O’Brien. “That’s the word I use over and over. This space offers our students the dignity they deserve.”

The old Missoula College was notoriously overcrowded and spread throughout a number of buildings and trailers.

Now, what’s been dubbed “River Campus” is home to state-of-the-art equipment and technology, including three Culinary Arts kitchens, a cybersecurity center with two lab facilities, a math learning center, a cadaver lab and a bolstered library with expanded resources.

“The building speaks volumes for the funding investment made by the Montana Legislature and the governor,” O’Brien says, “not to mention the hundreds and hundreds of people who advocated for it. Our state recognizes the value of two-year education and the impact it has directly on the workforce and the economy. Our new space symbolizes that.”


Todd Goodrich

Photos by: Todd Goodrich

Todd Goodrich is the University of Montana's photographer. He graduated from UM's School of Journalism in 1988, and has captured images on campus for more than 20 years.

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